Day 1 on Cabot Trail: Baddeck – Wreck Cove

61,54km distance, Altitude difference 101m, Duration 4:13h (incl. stops)

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First cycling day started out with a perfect breakfast at the Colby House B&B in Sydney. Yes, sounds weird, but I have never eaten rhubarb muffins before but they tasted like charm. So, after having fresh fruits, ham and eggs, Juli and I started off to Framework Cycle around 9:30 to get my bike for the tour.

Think they were really laughing at those German strangers that wanted to do the Cabot Trail without any real preparation. Best thing was their comment about me having at least the right bike now, but Juli "being dead" with her bike. That's a start ;-).

After putting both bikes on back of Juli's famous Pontiac, we drove back to Baddeck and arrived at the Visitors Information Centre around lunch time. Nice thing was that they have parking space on the back as well as public washrooms. So we changed clothes and finally started...

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englishtown ferry, arrived maven bb 1655, cool nice place, Maven gypsies bb, delicious dinner, aperitif, dinner, dessert...lived 5 years in Grenada, just opened, beautiful farm, smokey the Labrador, small cottage, so quiet, breakfast as delicious as dinner


Short business trip to Debrecen

This week I had to go to Debrecen for a rather short (2 days only) business trip. Fortunately we had quite some good weather down there and it was really fun seeing the people that I have worked with in past three months in real life. Actually this was our "Thank you" meeting for the Linux team as for all the stress we have been going through back in March/April. Bas and I flew on Tuesday to Budapest and took the shuttle from the airport to Debrecen - honestly, I think, I will never take the shuttle again ;-). The driver first went to Budapest city to pick up two other colleagues, which resulted in final arrival at our hotel in Debrecen almost 4 hours later. So, here are some impressions (Thanks to Thomas who made the photographs):

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April moved to June, but still: Cabot Trail!

So, after Eyjafjallajökull decided to calm down and my boss accepting my shift of holiday to beginning of June, it will finally happen: Just received my tickets this weekend :-). But still no chance to get my biycle with me. Damn, these people of Lufthansa almost drove me crazy. Air Canada transfers bikes for 50$ in total but Lufthansa has an extra fee of 150€ per route (!)...although I booked via Air Canada flight, the first transfer will go from HAM to LHR via Lufthansa, and they force you to pay their extra fee at check-in.

First barbecue 2010...

Yeah, last week had first barbecue this year: Was staying the whole week in the Netherlands for work stuff and Matthijs invited me for dinner. So, I went over to Oss on Wednesday and *damn* was a real nice evening with lots of delicious stuff. Matthijs, you are the man :-). After his wife and a friend of her arrived, I even learned quite some stuff about differences in polish Vodka...fortunately I had to drive otherwise I might have ended up there ;-). Thanks again for the nice evening!

12 Wochen bis...

...zu den letzten Sommerferien in meinem Leben und das bedeutet: 18 Wochen bis zu den Abschlussprüfungen zur staatlich geprüften Betriebswirtin. Und die letzten Wochen haben heute, nach den Osterferien, verdammt gut begonnen: die Ausgabe der LCCI-Zertifikate fand statt. Nun habe ich es schwarz auf weiß: ICH KANN ENGLISCH! Und das auch noch ziemlich gut... Den schriftlichen Teil 'pass with credit' und den Mündlichen sogar 'with distinction'.

Ein schöner Start für den Countdown...